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Biographies of President Suharto

Suharto is known as the only President in Indonesia which has the maximum term which is around 32 years. Known as the "father of development" and was the second President of Indonesia after President Sukarno, Suharto under his rule of success delivering Indonesia became Self-sufficient countries in the agriculture sector where developing very rapidly through the "Rapelita Program". The writings of this time will be commenting on profiles or biographies of President Suharto. Former President of Indonesia this second was born in Kemusuk, Yogyakarta on June 8, 1921, from the womb of a mother named Sukirah and father who is an Assistant village head in the field irrigating fields and also at one time a farmer named Kertosudiro. When eight-year-old Suharto start school but he often moved around the school. Initially he was a school in the village school (elementary school), moreover, he moved to SD Pedes because his family moved to Kemusuk, Kidul. After that then his father Kertosudiro move Suharto into Wuryantoro. He then dititipkn Prawirohardjo and lived with a Farmer mantri who is married to Suharto's younger sister.

In 1941 the NCO School in Gombong, Central Java, Suharto was elected as the Telatan Warrior, since childhood he wanted to be a soldier or military. then on October 5, 1945 after Indonesia independence, Suharto then formally became a member of the TNI. After that then Suharto married Siti Hartinah or Tien's mother who was the son of a replace all on December 27, 1947 in which Suharto's age ethics it 26 years and Siti Hartinah or 24 year old Tien's mother. From this marriage he had six children, Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti i.e., Sigit Harjojudanto, Bambang Trihatmodjo, Siti Hediati, Hutomo Mandala Putra Herijadi and Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih.
The long and winding road traversed Suharto when pioneering military career and also his political career. In the field of Suharto's military started it with the rank of Sergeant of the ROYAL army, from which he later became the Commander of the colonial era on a MAP of Japan, after which he served as regimental commander of the rank of major later served with the rank of Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel. 
The history of the nation of Indonesia could not be released from the event known as the Public Attack March 1, 1949, it was an event that became the important note in the nation's history when it officially declares independence from the oppressive nation Netherlands for three and a half centuries. Many versions say that Suharto's Role when it seizes Yogyakarta at that time as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia in 1 March General offensive could not be separated. The purpose of the General offensive 1 March is showed on the international world of the existence of the TNI (Indonesia national army) when it was in defense of the nation of Indonesia. In his rule, Suharto managed to capture the city of Yogyakarta from the Netherlands colonizers handling at the time. At that time he also became guardian of the great Commander General Sudirman. In the operations for the liberation of West Irian from the hands of the Netherlands when he became Commander of the Mandala that is concentrated in Makassar.
When the events of G-30-S/PKI erupted on 1 October 1965, Suharto then moved quickly to take over the reins of command of the army at that time and later issued an order that is fast to set up and control the State of the country's chaotic aftermath of the coup d ' état by the PKI. After the events of G-30-S/PKI, Suharto then served as Commander of the army replacing General Ahmad Yani who fell in the hands of the PKI. As Army Commander, Suharto also served as Pangkopkamtib appointed by President Sukarno in that time. Suharto's career peak when he received a warrant Eleven March or what is known as the "Easter" by President Sukarno in March 1966, where his job is to control the country's security and public order also messed up after the coup d ' état carried out by PKI and practise the teachings of the Great Revolution of Bung Karno Stadium.
After the events of G-30-S/PKI political circumstances and also the Government of Indonesia deteriorated, then in March 1967 MPRS special session in which then President Suharto Appoints Second Republic of Indonesia who replaced President Sukarno, where confirmation is done in March 1968. President Suharto was known by the time of the new order in which political policy both inside and outside the country transformed by President Suharto. One of them is the return of Indonesia as a member of the United Nations (United Nations common apprehension) on September 28, 1966 after Sukarno, Indonesia in a time out as a member of the United Nations.

Suharto Was President Of Indonesia Both
At an early stage, draw a line that Suharto's very firm. Political exclusion carried out against people associated with the Communist Party of Indonesia. Criminal sanctions is done by rolling out an extraordinary Military Court to prosecute Suharto is constructed as a party renegade. The Court held and most of those involved "dumped" to island of Buru even most related or still a supporter of the party of the PKI were virtually annihilated by way of mass-executed in the Woods by the military at the time. Suharto's Government program directed at national economic rescue efforts, especially the stabilization and rehabilitation of the economy. What is meant by economic stabilization means controlling inflation so that the price of the goods not jumped on. And economic rehabilitation is to physically repair facilities and infrastructure of the economy. The nature of this policy is the construction of the planned economic system that guarantees the continuation of economic democracy towards the attainment of equitable and prosperous society based on Pancasila.

This stabilsasi program is carried out by means of stemming the rate of inflation. Suharto's reign and managed to stem the inflation rate at the end of 1967-1968, but the prices of basic commodities rising materials surged. After the construction of the Cabinet formed in July 1968, the Government shifted its economic policy on controlling the motion tight against the price of goods especially clothing, food, and the foreign exchange rate. Since that time the national economy relatively stable

After you successfully restore the nation's political condition of Indonesia, the next step is the new order Government is implementing the national development. The construction of the national Government of that time have to be realized through the construction of short-term and long-term development. Short term Pambangunan are designed through the construction of five years (a lamp). Each Lamp has a mission of development in order to achieve the level of welfare of society Indonesia. While the long-term development covering the period of 25-30 years. National development is a series of continuous development effort that includes all aspects of the life of the community, nation, and State. National development is carried out in an attempt to realize the national goal that is inscribed in the preamble of 1945.

At the time of the new order, the Government is running a policy that does not undergo changes too significantly over the past 32 years. Because at that time the Government successfully presents a political stablilitas thus supporting the occurrence of economic stability. That's because then the Government rarely do policy changes especially in terms of the State budget. During the reign of the new order, its economic policies oriented to economic growth. Economic policy is supported by the political stability that is run by the Government. It is poured into the jargon of an economic policy which is called with the Pembangungan Trilogy, namely political stability, steady economic growth, and equitable development. From its success this is so that President Suharto was later referred to as the "father of development".

The point is, when the fall of Suharto in 1998 where the period is the period of gloom to President Soeharto and the introduction of the Reformation for Indonesia, with the magnitude of the demonstrations carried out by Students as well as people who are not satisfied will the leadership of Suharto as well as the more economic terkendalinya not as well as political stability Indonesia then on May 21, 1998, at 09 PM Mr. Soeharto read out the speech "statement stops as the President of INDONESIA" after the collapse of support for him. Suharto has been the President of Indonesia for 32 years. Before he withdrew, Indonesia experienced a political crisis and the economy in 6 to 12 months earlier. B.J. Habibie continue for at least a year from the rest of his presidency before it was replaced by Abdurrahman Wahid in 1999. The fall of Suharto, also marks the end of the new order, a regime in power since 1968 or during 32 years.

President Suharto's Death
President Suharto of INDONESIA Both HM died at 3 PM Sunday, January 27, 2008. Major-General by the MPR was awarded honoured as the father of national development, died at the age of 87 years after being treated for 24 days (from 4 to 27 January 2008) in the Central Hospital of Pertamina (RSPP), Jakarta. News of the death of Mr. Soeharto was first informed Kapolsek Kebayoran Baru, Kompol. Dicky Sonandi, in Jakarta, Sunday (27/1). Then the presidential Doctor Team formally delivered a press release about the death of Mr. Soeharto is right at 3 PM Sunday, January 27, 2008 in Jakarta due to failure of the RSPP multi organ.

Then at approximately 14: corpse of former President Suharto departed from RSPP towards residence in Jalan Cendana No. 8, Menteng, Jakarta. The ambulance carrying the corpse of Mr. Soeharto is accompanied by a number of family vehicles and relatives as well as a bodyguard. A number of journalists merangsek approaching motorcade vehicle when it is moving towards Jalan Cendana, resulting in a television journalist to be hit.

Along jalan Tanjung and Jalan Cendana in thousands of communities to welcome accompaniment vehicle carrying the corpse of Mr. Soeharto. Sobs broke so citizens a series of vehicles that carry the casket of former President Suharto entered the path of sandalwood, roughly at 17 Weeks (27/1).

Meanwhile, the President of INDONESIA Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono accompanied Vice President Jusuf Kalla and a number of Ministers who are following a limited Cabinet meeting on food security, held a press conference giving their time for 3 minutes and 28 seconds at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Sunday (27/1). The President conveyed the condolences of deep over the death of former President Suharto of INDONESIA Haji Muhammad Second.

Services the services of Soeharto as President and his controversy
If direnungkah many great services performed for the construction and development of Suharto's Indonesia in the eyes of the world, sebagan the people who once lived in the days of President Suharto of Suharto's period is considered the golden age of ndonesia, as prices of basic commodities were cheap in it which is inversely proportional to this day and age, a stable economic growth, President Suharto succeeded in changing the face of Indonesia who initially become a rice importing countries become self-sufficient in rice and shaped the State mensejahterahkan farmer. President Suharto's future development sector is considered the most advanced through Repelita I until Repelita VI.

The security and stability of the country is assured as well as create an awareness in her high nationalism. In the area of health, efforts to improve the quality of the infant and future generations is done through the health program at the posyandu and KB, an effort that integrates between government programs with the self-reliance of the community. In its time, this program is very popular and successful. Many mothers work and care over their toddler needs at the most important moment in a period of growth. that's the bit of the merits or achievements of President Suharto despite the many pioneers along with the failure in his administration such as corruption, Collusion and Nepotism in his time, the uneven development between the Centre and regions so as to engender jealousy from areas such as Papua.

The number of services that President Suharto so banyyak that proposes a national hero of Indonesia as Suharto. Apart from a number of parties that are still disputed a number of Suharto's legal case, the facts in the history of Indonesia pointed out that Soeharto has great services to Indonesia. "The struggle for Suharto's Indonesia recorded in this nation's history books, among other things, at the time of the physical revolution between 1945 to 1949, physical pascarevolusi between 1962 to 1967 and the period of his leadership as President of the

Suharto remains a figure of controversy to this day. Small people remember them as heroes who are providing cheap petrol and rice that can be reached. They are when it is not in contact with politics and the movement, will direct nod agree if asked Soeharto times nicer. Polemics hero for Suharto still full of debate. Some agree, some refused outright. Some consider the rescue heroes and Suharto, Pancasila. Some assume Soeharto was covered in blood over the range of action of the massacre during the turn of the old order to the new order and so on. That's an article about the biography of President Suharto may be referenced and also as a lesson for all readers.
  1. Biography Of Sukarno The First President Of Indonesia
  2. Suharto's Biography The Second President Of Indonesia
  3. Biography Of B. J. Habibie The Third President Of Indonesia
  4. Biography Of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid (Wahid) Fourth President Of Indonesia
  5. Biography Of Megawati Soekarno Putri The fifth President of Indonesia
  6. Biography Of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono The Sixth President Of Indonesia
  7. Biography Of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Seventh President Of Indonesia (Now)


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